Equinox Event 3.19.23.

Hosted in Partnership with York College and Marketview Arts

The Equinox invites us consider this changing season as more than simply “new beginnings”. Spring is not just longer days, new life and fresh beginnings…

It’s crossing a line– the celestial equator.

The Sun comes around to our faces and we see the world differently. We are given a chance to start again in the familiarity of what always is. Nothing changed, and yet somehow still evolved.

O&W is hosting an event around this seasonal shift to stimulate the imagination, engage the mind, and converse with creatives eager for freshness, ready to shake off staleness.

Often times we crave permission to explore and establish personal philosophy, to speak freely of our motivations to create. In making room for all to speak equally, we hope people see the permission slip was always in their hands.

There’s a story behind everything, and in understanding someone’s story, you understand a little bit more about the complexity of being human; or at least, find the compassion to understand that you don’t know everything yet.

The gallery experience at Marketview Arts will include a panel discussion and an art show curated from the O&W community; opportunities for personal reflection that we hope will cultivate a conversation with the inner artist.

What needs pruning

What needs to grow 

How am I different

How am I the same

Do I see myself

Do I see others

Our a panel will be discussing both the positive and negative effects media has regarding representation of humans. This Q&A is designed to consider the layers of individualism in tandem with culture and why diversity in our work is crucial for personal development.

Topics Discussed

Ageism: Brenda Wintermyer

Children & Youth: Emil Rodriguez-Powell 

Fat positivity: Annie Minicuci

Race: Eden Xuân

Religion: Rabiya Khan

Open call for art show submissions


UNDERGRAD: A series on ending well.


Valentine’s 2023: Generational Love